Enable Tree view for API collections

How to Enable Tree View for API Collections

The Tree view feature in Akto allows you to visualize your API collections in a hierarchical structure, making it easier to navigate and understand the organization of your APIs. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling and using the Tree view.

Steps to Enable Tree View

  1. Navigate to the API Collections page

  2. Locate the "More Actions" button

  3. Open the dropdown menu

  4. Select "Display tree view"

Using the Tree View

Once enabled, the Tree view will organize your API collections hierarchically:

  • Collections are grouped by categories (e.g., Hostname, Groups, Custom)

  • You can expand or collapse groups by clicking on the arrow next to the group name

  • Individual API collections are listed under their respective groups

Benefits of Tree View

  • Improved organization: Easily see how your APIs are structured

  • Quick navigation: Quickly find specific APIs within large collections

  • Better overview: Get a bird's-eye view of your entire API ecosystem

Switching Back to List View

To return to the standard list view:

  1. Click on the "More Actions" button again

  2. Select the option to "Disable tree view".

By using the Tree view, you can more efficiently manage and understand the structure of your API collections, especially as your API ecosystem grows and becomes more complex.

Last updated