Connect Akto with AWS API Gateway with service account (Temporary Credentials)
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AWS API Gateway is a fully managed service from AWS that helps developers create, publish, monitor, and secure APIs at scale. By integrating AWS API Gateway with Akto, you'll automatically discover and test the security of all your REST APIs, HTTP APIs, and WebSocket APIs deployed through API Gateway, ensuring comprehensive API security across your AWS infrastructure.
To connect Akto with AWS API Gateway using Service Accounts (IRSA), follow these steps:
Follow the steps mentioned here to set up the Akto Traffic Processor.
Go to API Gateway in the AWS Console.
Navigate to your API and click on Stages
from the left menu.
Scroll down to the Logs and tracing
section and click on Edit
Select Error and info logs
and Data tracing
and save these settings.
Find out the CloudWatch log group
for your API Gateway for the stage which has the above logs enabled and save its ARN. You'll need it later.
If your EKS cluster and CloudWatch log groups are in different AWS accounts, follow these steps to enable access using IAM roles with temporary credentials.
Go to the IAM service in the AWS Console of the account where CloudWatch logs are stored.
Click Roles on the left panel, then click Create role.
Choose Another AWS account as the trusted entity.
Enter the AWS Account ID of the EKS cluster account.
Click Next, and in the permissions step, create a new policy or attach an existing one with the following permissions:
Replace <region>
, <cloudwatch-account-id>
, and <log-group-name>
with actual values.
Click Next, name the role (e.g., CrossAccountCloudWatchRole
), and create the role.
After creating the role, modify the Trust relationships section to allow access from the EKS IRSA role:
Replace <eks-account-id>
with the AWS account ID where EKS is running.
Replace <irsa-role-name>
with the IAM role attached to the EKS service account.
Go to IAM service in the AWS Console of the EKS cluster account.
Click Policies, then Create policy.
Use the following JSON policy:
Replace <cloudwatch-account-id>
with the AWS account ID where CloudWatch logs are stored.
Click Next, give the policy a name (e.g., EKSCloudWatchAccess
), and create it.
In the EKS cluster account, go to IAM and click Roles > Create role.
Select Web Identity as the trusted entity.
Choose your EKS OIDC provider and enter
as the audience.
Attach the policy created in Step 3.1.
Name the role (e.g., EKSCloudWatchRole
) and create it.
Modify the trust policy for the role created in Step 3.2:
Replace placeholders with actual values.
Create a service-account.yaml
Apply the service account:
Now, the EKS pod using this service account can assume the cross-account IAM role to access CloudWatch logs securely.
Replace <namespace>
with the Kubernetes namespace used in Steps 3.3 and 4.
, use the value of the mini-runtime
service deployed in Step 1.1.
, enter the value obtained in Step 1.2.5.
, use any name you want for the session.
Replace <AWS_REGION>
with the AWS region where your EKS cluster is located.
To use multiple Log group ARNs, use the image aktosecurity/mirror-api-logging:api-gateway-logging-temp-cred-multiple-arn
in the template provided above and fill the environment variable <LOG_GROUP_ARN>
as the show in the example here
With this setup, Akto can fetch CloudWatch logs from API Gateway across AWS accounts using temporary credentials.
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