Create New Tags

Creating new tags allows you to customize how you categorize and organize your API endpoints. Follow these steps to create a new tag:

  1. Access the Tags Page

    • Go to Settings > Tags in the left sidebar

  2. Initiate Tag Creation

    • Click the "Create new tags" button in the top right corner

  3. Define Tag Details

    • Name: Enter a unique, descriptive name for the tag

    • URL Conditions: Set rules for automatic tag application

      • Parameter Name: Specify the URL parameter to match

      • Condition: Choose from options like "Matches regex", "Starts with", etc.

      • Value: Enter the matching value or pattern

  4. Add Multiple Conditions (Optional)

    • Click "Add condition" to create complex tagging rules

    • Use AND/OR operators to combine conditions

  5. Save the New Tag

    • Click "Save" to create the tag

Tips for Effective Tag Creation

  • Use clear, concise names that reflect the purpose of the tag

  • Consider creating a tagging hierarchy (e.g., product-api, product-api-v1)

  • Use regex patterns for flexible matching of URL parameters

  • Test your tag conditions to ensure they catch the intended endpoints

Remember, well-structured tags can significantly improve your API management efficiency.

Last updated