Extract APIs from source code using our Docker based CLI

You can extract APIs from your code repositories using our Docker based CLI.

How to use

Prepare the following variables:

  1. AKTO_SYNC - Set this to TRUE if you want the CLI to import the extracted APIs into the Akto dashboard

  2. AKTO_API_KEY - Go to My accounts > Settings > Integrations > Akto API > Generate token. Copy the token generated.

  3. AKTO_DASHBOARD_URL - URL of your Akto dashboard. Please ensure the docker container can access the Akto dashboard,

  4. API_COLLECTION_NAME - The API collection name into which you want to import the extracted APIs. Ensure that this collection exists.

  5. GITHUB_REPOSITORY - The name of the Github repository to be used for source location links.

  6. GITHUB_BRANCH - The branch of the Github repository to be used for source location links.

To extract APIs from a local code repository, run the following docker run command in a terminal:

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/source_code \
  aktosecurity/akto-puppeteer-replay:doom_latest cli extract \


  1. -it - enables interactive terminal input, allowing command line interaction.

  2. --rm - automatically removes container after it exits.

  3. -v "$(pwd)":/usr/source_code - mounts current directory to /usr/source_code in the container.

To import the extracted APIs into an API collection in Akto dashboard, run the following docker run command in a terminal:

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/source_code \
  aktosecurity/akto-puppeteer-replay:doom_latest cli extract \
  		--IS_DOCKER="true" \
			--AKTO_SYNC="true" \

To add source code links to the extracted APIs, run the following docker run command in a terminal:

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/source_code \
  aktosecurity/akto-puppeteer-replay:doom_latest cli extract \
  		--IS_DOCKER="true" \
			--AKTO_SYNC="true" \
			--API_COLLECTION_NAME="juice_shop_demo" \
      --GITHUB_REPOSITORY="akto-api-security/juice-shop" \


  1. The API collection as specified by the API_COLLECTION_NAME variable can be viewed in the Akto dashboard to review the APIs extracted from source code.

Last updated

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