Learn how to enable Single-Sign-On(SSO) through Azure AD using SAML configuration.

If you have Azure AD configured, you can enable SSO on Akto. and you should be an Admin on Akto dashboard.

Follow these steps to configure SAML SSO using Azure Active Directory.


To enable users to access Akto using Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On (SSO), the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. One of the following roles on Azure AD: Global Administrator, Privileged Role Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator, or Application Administrator.

  2. You should have ADMIN role in Akto dashboard.

  3. Assigned to the Application: Users must be assigned to the 'Akto' application within the Azure AD.

  4. User Profile Attributes: Users should have the following attributes defined on their profile on Azure AD:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • User Principal Name

    • Email

Create new application.

  1. Navigate to Enterprise applications.

  1. Click on the + New application button.

3. Click on `+Create your own Application`.

4. Mention `Akto` as the name of your app.

5. Choose the `Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery)` option and then click on `Create`.

Assign users and groups

Set up SAML settings

In the Azure Active Directory admin center, select the 'Akto' Enterprise application. Set up single sign on for the 'Akto' application, selecting SAML as the sign-on method. Use the following SAML settings. Here { hostname } is the value of your domain hostname where you are hosting the Akto application.

NOTE: Sign on URL must be in https: format and not http for configuring SAML.

  1. Under Set up single sign on, click on SAML.

2. **Basic SAML Configuration**

| Setting     | Value        |
| -------- | ----------------  |
| Identifier (Entity ID)     | { hostname } |
| Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)    | { hostname }/signup-azure-saml    |
| Sign on URL    | { hostname }/signup-azure-request       |

Import Azure Federation Metadata into Akto Dashboard

  1. On the same page you configured SAML settings in the Azure Active Directory admin center, download the Federation Metadata XML file (listed under the SAML Signing Certificate).

  1. Navigating in Akto dashboard. Settings => Integrations => Azure SSO SAML

  2. Click on Configure, and then upload the metadata xml file.

  3. Logout to test the configuration by clicking "Sign in with Azure SSO".

Get Support for your Akto setup

There are multiple ways to request support from Akto. We are 24X7 available on the following:

  1. In-app intercom support. Message us with your query on intercom in Akto dashboard and someone will reply.

  2. Join our discord channel for community support.

  3. Contact for email support.

  4. Contact us here.

Last updated