If your kubernetes system, has mTLS ( say using istio proxy or similar setup ) and SSL termination happens at the proxy/service, this other setup is recommended, please check it out.
If your proxy/service acts as a passthrough and the SSL termination happens at the end application itself, then please continue with the current setup.
Please note, both these setups have different docker images. In case of any queries, please reach out to us at help@akto.io .
Connecting with Akto's eBPF traffic collector is recommended mTLS systems where TLS termination occurs at application ( a system where your services are just passing the traffic directly to the application ).
For a better understanding, here's an architecture diagram of the setup.
Apply the daemonset configuration given below using kubectl apply -f akto-daemonset-config.yaml -n <NAMESPACE>. You will find AKTO_NLB_IP and AKTO_MONGO_CONN after setting up Akto data processor, as mentioned above.
For AKTO_NLB_IP , Use the service IP or load balancer name of Traffic Processor from step (1)
You can add and configure the env variables below to control the daemonset. Here's a diagram of how the module processes traffic:
# This helps in filtering traffic sent to akto, based on certain headers. Here is an example for sending traffic only for 'bookinfo' namespace in an istio setup.
value: '[{"key":{"eq":"x-forwarded-client-cert","ifAbsent":"reject"},"value":{"regex":".*bookinfo.*"}}]'
# Time limit ( in seconds ) after which, a traffic stream is processed and marked inactive. The same stream, is not processed again.
value: "30"
# Max traffic connections kept in memory
value: "4096"
# Make this flag true to disable egress traffic. It is recommended to keep this false.
value: "false"
# Max mem usage after which the pod restarts ( in MB )
value: "800"
# Max limit of traffic buffer kept in memory ( in MB )
value: "600"
# Ignore traffic coming from unresolved IPs, i.e. requests with host header of the format <a.b.c.d>
value: "false"
# Ignore traffic coming from AWS cloud metadata IP
value: "false"
# The interval poll ( in seconds ) in which data is sent to Akto data processor.
value: "0.5"
# The interval poll ( in minutes ) in which the akto module scans the current running processes, to check for new SSL related processes to probe.
value: 5
# If you only want to trace traffic for which SSL termination happens at proxy/service.
value: "false"
# If you only want to trace traffic for which SSL termination happens at application.
# Note: when CAPTURE_ALL is false and CAPTURE_SSL is true, only application traffic is captured.
value: "true"
You can check your API inventory on Akto dashboard to see endpoints being discovered.
If you're running the daemonset outside of the kubernetes system, set the env PROBE_ALL_PID as true.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The traffic will contain a lot of sensitive data - does it leave my VPC?
Data remains strictly within your VPC. Akto doesn't take data out of your VPC at all.
Does adding DaemonSet have any impact on performance or latency?
Zero impact on latency. The DaemonSet doesn't sit like a proxy. It works on eBPF technology, which works on traces function calls at kernel level. It is very lightweight. We have benchmarked it against traffic as high as 20M API requests/min. It consumes very low resources (CPU & RAM).
I don't see my error on this list here.
Please send us all details at support@akto.io or reach out via Intercom on your Akto dashboard. We will definitely help you out.
Get Support for your Akto setup
There are multiple ways to request support from Akto. We are 24X7 available on the following:
In-app intercom support. Message us with your query on intercom in Akto dashboard and someone will reply.