
After determining that an endpoint is eligible for a YAML Test, it is forwarded to the execution step. This section is used to describe actions/modifications to achieve the desired test request body.


Execute operators can be of the following types -



Add a new key/value pair in the request payload at the root


Modify value of an existing key in the request payload at any position. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation


Delete an existing key in the request payload at any position. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation


Replace the entire request body with the supplied input


Add a new key/value pair in the request headers


Modify value of an existing header key in the request headers. If the header key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation


Delete an existing header key in the request headers. If the header key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation


Add a new key/value pair in the query params


Modify value of an existing key in the query params. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation


Delete an existing key in the query params. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation


Modify url to desired value. Supports entire url replacement, as well as replacing just a substring


Modify http method to desired method value


Remove Auth Headers in the request headers. If auth headers are missing, this operation throws an error and aborts the test for the endpoint


Replace the auth header by headers in User config section. If you are using JWT tokens, you can replace them too using JWT-specific instructions


Specify whether the test attempt should follow redirect or not. By default follow redirect is set to $true$


Replaces the request body by the contents of the file


Replace JWT body with given content


Used for adding a new key/value pair in the request payload at the root. This takes 2 params, key and value.

Example 1

Original request body of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Original request body
  "user": "John Doe",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com"

Let’s say we want to add key (”status”) with value → “admin”

Sample Yaml to modify request body

Sample yaml to modify request
		status: admin

Modified request body of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Modified request body
  "user": "John Doe",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com",on
	"status": "admin"


Used for modifying value of an existing key in the request payload at any position. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation. This takes 2 params, key and value.

Example 1

Original request body of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Original request body
  "user": "John Doe",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com"

Let’s say we want to modify key (”user”) with value → “admin”

Sample Yaml to modify request body

Sample yaml to modify body
  type: single
    - req: 	
			-	modify_body_param:
					user: admin

Modified request body of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Modified request body
  "user": "admin",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com"


Used for deleting an existing key in the request payload at any position. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation. This takes single param, key.

Example 1

Original request body of the endpoint you are trying to test:

original body request
  "user": "John Doe",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com"
	"isActive": false

Let’s say we want to remove key (”isActive”)

Sample Yaml to modify request body

Sample yaml to modify body
  type: single
    - req: 	
				- delete_body_param: isActive

Modified request body of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Modified request body
  "user": "admin",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com"


Used for replacing the entire request body with the supplied input. This takes 1 param, new payload.

Original request body of the endpoint you are trying to test:

original req body
  "user": "John Doe",
  "email": "johndoe@example.com",
	"isActive": false

Let’s say we want to replace the above payload with below new payload

new payload
		"id": 5,
		"admin": true

Sample Yaml to modify request body

Modified request body
  type: single
    - req: 	
			 - replace_body: '{"id": 5, "admin": true}'


Used for adding a new key/value pair in the request headers. This takes 2 params, key and value.

Example 1

original header of the endpoint you are trying to test:

original API header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <Bearer-Token>

Let’s say we want to add a new header (”Host”) with value → “xyz.evil.com”

Sample Yaml to modify request header

Sample yaml to modify header
  type: single
    - req: 
				- add_header:
						Host: xyz.evil.com

Modified request header of the endpoint you are trying to test:

modified header
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <Bearer-Token>
Host: xyz.evil.com


Used for modifying value of an existing header key in the request headers. If the header key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation. This takes 2 params, key and value.


original header of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <Bearer-Token>

Let’s say we want to modify key (”Authorization”) with a different user token value →

Sample Yaml to modify request header

  type: single
    - req: 
				- modify_header:
						Authorization: <Bearer-Token2>

Modified request header of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <Bearer-Token2>


Used for deleting an existing header key in the request headers. If the header key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation. This takes a single param, key.

Example 1

original header of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <Bearer-Token>

Let’s say we want to modify key (”Authorization”) with a different user token value →

Sample Yaml to delete request header

  type: single
    - req: 	
				- delete_header: Authorization

Modified request header of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Content-Type: application/json


Used for adding a new key/value pair in the query params. This takes 2 params, key and value.

Example 1

original url of the endpoint you are trying to test:


Let’s say we want to add a new query param (”admin”) with value → true

Sample Yaml to add query params

  type: single
    - req: 
			- add_query_param:
					admin: true

New query params in the url of the endpoint you are trying to test:



Used for modifying value of an existing key in the query params. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation. This takes 2 params, key and value.

Example 1

original url of the endpoint you are trying to test:


Let’s say we want to modify query param (”user”) with value → 4

Sample Yaml to modify query params

  type: single
    - req: 
				- modify_query_param:
						user: 4

modified query params in the url of the endpoint you are trying to test:



Used for deleting an existing key in the query params. If the key is missing, executor engine ignores the step and moves on to next operation. This takes single params, key.

Example 1

original url of the endpoint you are trying to test:


Let’s say we want to delete query param (”active”)

Sample Yaml to modify query params

  type: single
    - req: 	
			- delete_query_param: active

modified query params in the url of the endpoint you are trying to test:



Used for modifying url to desired value. Supports entire url replacement, as well as replacing just a substring.

Replace entire url

original url of the endpoint you are trying to test:


Let’s say you want to replace this with the below url -


Sample Yaml to modify url

  type: single
    - req: 
				- modify_url: http://xyz.evil.com/api/v2/users

Replace based on regex

original url of the endpoint you are trying to test:


Let’s say i just want to replace v2 with v1 in the above url -

Sample Yaml to modify url

  type: single
    - req: 
      - modify_url:
            regex: v[\d+]/
            replace_with: v1/

👉🏻 **In simple language:** The above yaml syntax is modifying request url by replacing specified regex string match with v1/

modified url of the endpoint you are trying to test:


Insert token in url

You can use token_insert to insert a token (Eg 123) in the url.

eg. if you want to convert /api/v1/user/orders to /api/v1/user/123/orders, you can do:

  - modify_url:
        location: 4
        replace_with: 123

Replace token in url

You can use token_replace to insert a token (Eg 123) in the url.

eg. if you want to convert /api/v1/user/456/orders to /api/v1/user/123/orders, you can do:

  - modify_url:
        location: 4
        replace_with: 123


Used for modifying http method to desired method value. This takes a single param, new method value.

Example 1

original url of the endpoint you are trying to test:

POST http://xyz.com/api/v1/user

Let’s say we want to modify method value to PUT

Sample Yaml to modify method

  type: single
    - req: 
      - modify_method: PUT

modified url of the endpoint you are trying to test:

PUT http://xyz.com/api/v1/user


Used for Removing Auth Headers in the request headers. If auth headers are missing, this operation throws an error and aborts the test for the endpoint. (Refer to Auth section for better understanding on how auth headers are picked by yaml execution engine.)

Example 1

original headers of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: <Bearer-Token>

Let’s say we want to remove the auth header for the test request(in this case auth header is - “Authorization”). Prerequisite: the auth has to be configured in auth types in the dashboard for the below execute section to identify authorization key.

Sample Yaml to remove auth headers

  type: single
    - req: 	
				- remove_auth_header: true

modified headers of the endpoint you are trying to test:

Content-Type: application/json


Used in many tests where we need to replace the auth header and inject a malicous auth header instead. This flag removes all the auth headers (including custom auth types) before adding malicious auth headers.

Example 1 - replace auth token by attacker's token

This assumes you have set attacker credentials in User config section.

Sample YAML to replace headers by attacker's tokens

  type: single
    - req:
	- replace_auth_header : true

modified headers will now look like:

Authorization: Bearer attacker.token.here

Example 2 - modify JWT auth token

Used in Broken Authentication tests to exploit JWT-related vulnerabilities. For example, invalidating signature, setting algo to None etc. Possible values are

  • ${auth_context.none_algo_token} - modify JWT token and set algo=NONE

  • ${auth_context.invalid_signature_token} - modify JWT token and make signature invalid (by appending extra characters to signature)

  • ${auth_context.jku_added_token} - modify JWT token by adding a JKU parameter in headers

  • ${auth_context.jwk_added_token} - modify JWT token by adding JWK-related parameters in headers

  • ${auth_context.kid_added_token} - modify JWT token by adding kid parameter in headers

Sample YAML to use the above instructions -

  type: single
    - req:
	- replace_auth_header : ${auth_context.invalid_signature_token}

Modifies the headers by invalidating signature

Authorization: Bearer eyJewqafsd.eafsdzcx.some_invalid_signature_here


Used for specifying whether the test attempt should follow redirect or not, in case the response received if of redirect type. By default follow redirect is set to true. This takes a single boolean argument(true/false)

Sample Yaml ****For Disabling Redirect

  type: single
    - req:
	- follow_redirect: false


Used to replace the request body by the contents of the file. This is useful for APIs that take file an input. Users can test such APIs by passing files with malicious content.

Sample Yaml for attach_file

  type: single
    - req:
        - attach_file: https://some.url.here/file.pdf


Used to replace the jwt body. This just replaces the payload. It keeps headers and signature the same as original JWT token

Sample yaml

  type: single
  - req:
    - jwt_replace_body: ey.new_body.new_signature

Modified token looks like -

Authorization: ey.new_body.old_signature

Combining multiple conditions in Execute

Let’s see a few examples on how we can combine multiple execution operations into a test -

Example 1

Scenario -

  1. add body_param (”status”) with value → “admin” in request payload

  2. modify Request Method To Post

  3. delete QueryParam with key (”userId”)

Sample Yaml -

	type: single
    - req:
      - add_body_param:
      	  status: admin
      - modify_method: POST
      - delete_query_param: userId

Example 2

Scenario -

  1. delete auth header from request

  2. add Header (”origin”) with value → xyz.evil.com

Sample Yaml -

  authenticated: true
  type: single
    - req:
        - delete_auth_header: true
        - add_header:
            origin: xyz.evil.com 
        - delete_query_param: userId

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