Edit Tags

Editing tags allows you to refine your API categorization as your system evolves. Here's how to edit existing tags:

  1. Access the Tags Page

    • Go to Settings > Tags in the left sidebar

  2. Locate the Tag to Edit

    • Use the search function if you have many tags

    • Tags are listed with their name, creation date, and creator

  3. Initiate Editing

    • Click the "Edit" button next to the tag you want to modify

  4. Modify Tag Details

    • Name: Update the tag name if necessary

    • URL Conditions: Adjust existing conditions or add new ones

      • Parameter Name: Change the URL parameter to match

      • Condition: Modify the matching condition

      • Value: Update the matching value or pattern

  5. Review and Save Changes

    • Double-check your modifications

    • Click "Save" to apply the changes

Remember, keeping your tags up-to-date ensures that your API management system remains efficient and relevant to your current needs.

Last updated