Custom subdomain on Akto on AWS

Akto creates a load balancer for your akto dashboard. You can put this dashboard behind your organization's subdomain for easier access across teams. Moreover, adding SSL certificate make the dashboard more secure.

To configure HTTPS and add SSL certificate to akto dashboard load-balancer

  1. Navigate to AWS dashboard > EC2 > load balancers and select the akto dashboard load balancer.

  1. Go to Listeners and rules and select the HTTP:80 rule.

  1. Click on Edit listener

  1. Change protocol from HTTP to HTTPS.

  1. Add your SSL certificate to the listener.

  1. Click on save changes. The protocol should be changed by this. To make it reachable by the load balancer we would edit its security group.

  1. On the same page, click on security and click on the associated security group.

  1. Click on edit inbound rules.

  1. Change the type of protocol from HTTP to HTTPS and save the inbound rule of the security group.

  1. You should now be able to access akto dashboard's load-balancer IP on HTTPS and it should give an invalid SSL certificate error, because the certificate belongs to your organization and would have been mapped to your organization's domain name.

To configure custom subdomain for akto dashboard load-balancer

  1. Navigate to Route 53 on the AWS dashboard. Go to hosted zones.

  1. Select the hosted zone in which you want to route akto dashboard and click on create record.

  1. Select the record name as akto and record type as A - Routes traffic to an IPv4 address and some AWS resources. Then toggle the alias button.

  1. Select on Application and classic load balancer in the endpoints menu.

  1. Select the region in which the load balancer is deployed.

  1. Choose akto dashboard's load balancer in the menu and click on Create records.

Now, you have added a custom subdomain and SSL certificate to your akto deployment on AWS.

Last updated