Connect Akto with Istio

If your API calls are being routed through Istio service mesh, you can use Akto's Istio filter to send traffic to Akto dashboard. Below guide will help you do this:

Creating AWS Policy

1. Go to Quick Start on your Akto dashboard and expand the Connect traffic data section.

2. Scroll down to Data processors setup section.

3. Copy the policy json and click on the Akto Dashboard role link.

4. Click on the JSON tab and paste the policy

5. Click on Review policy button.

6. Enter AktoDashboardPolicy as the policy name and click on Create Policy button

8. Once the policy is created, go back to the dashboard.

Setting up Data processors

1. Click on Setup traffic processors button.

2. This will bring up infra that will process your traffic.

3. Check that you have AKTO_NLB and AKTO_MONGO_IP vars once setup is complete.

Adding Akto traffic collector

  1. Download the GitHub repo here and cd into it.

  2. Create your own Docker image of istio-proxy by running following commands:

docker build . -t <your-docker-account-id>:istio-proxy
docker push <your-docker-account-id>:istio-proxy

Please make sure you are building docker image on the same platform as your app server.

  1. Add this custom istio-proxy image to containers you want to collect traffic from. You can get the value of AKTO_NLB_IP from the dashboard itself.

      - name: istio-proxy
        image: <your-docker-id>/istio-proxy:latest
        - name: AKTO_KAFKA_IP
          # you will find this on your akto dashboard after you've deployed the Data-processing stack using Akto.
          value: "<AKTO_NLB_IP>:9092"
  1. Re-apply the config to restart all your pods with the added istio-proxy container.

kubectl apply -f <your-deployment-file>
  1. Apply akto-envoy-filter.yaml to start capturing API calls and send to Akto dashboard.

kubectl apply -f akto-envoy-filter.yaml

Last updated